This survey is designed to help me create
a personalized trading plan for you.
Your future is worth it.
(~10 minutes)
Full Name
Primary Trading
Why do you really want to trade, what’s your primary motivation?
What investments have you made in the past that worked out for you?
What amount of time do you have to invest in trading?
What is the source of your trading capital?
Optimal Life Design Process
Currently, list out what a typical day looks like for you:
If you could create your ideal day, what would it look like?
Right now, what % of your time is spent on things you feel you “have to do”?
What % of your time is spent on things you feel you “get to do”?
How many days a week are you working?
How much time every day do you spend taking care of your health?
How many of these hours can you confidently claim to be typically spending on $300-$1000/hr+ tasks?
Which task in your life makes you $300 to$1000 an hour?
Personal Fulfillment
From 1-10 how much do you love your current business/career?
What do you really enjoy doing in your business/career?
What do you really hate doing in business/career?
Do you ever feel like a prisoner or “trapped” by your business/career?
If yes, how often?
Rate your anxiety, restlessness, angst, stress… on a 1-10:
How do you feel about the people supporting you in your life? (max 3 sentences)
Do you currently have people, co-workers, and family members that are an energy drain on you?
If yes, how many and how long has it been like that?
Do you currently have obligations that are an energy drain on you?
What are some of your favorite “non-work” things to do?(The things that inspire you, truly recharge you)
How often do you do those things?
Personal Finance
Some day, what would you like to take home every month?
Trading Foundation
How much do you spend on trading tools per month (average)?
How much capital are you willing to trade each month?
Your Trading Plan
What’s your current process in trading?
How many trades or investments do you make per month?
How much income are you generating trading or investing every month?
How much time do you spend researching and investing every day on average?
What's your average win rate on investments, the average of the last 3 months?
How would you rate your current trading (1-5)?
What % of your trading gains come from your own trading research?
What % of your trading gains come from signals or other people's advice?
Do you keep a trading journal with all your trades?
Your Trading and Investment Process
What are you doing right now to improve your trading?
How long on average is your typical trade from entry and exit?
How many trades that you take on a weekly basis, become profitable?
What % of your trades continue to go up after you exit the trade?
What is the perfect trade setup that you take consistently?
Who in your life, coaches you right now?
How would you rate your interaction with coaches in the past on a scale of 1-5 stars?
Would you say you have a trading process dialed in?
Trading Reflection
What kind of results are you getting on a yearly basis?
How long does it take you to fix problems in your life?
How would you rate your life in trading on a scale of 1-10 (1-it’s bad, 10 awesome)?
Who in your life is responsible for the majority of your losses?
What key metrics do you track your monthly income by?
Wrapping Up
Last but not least - what do you ACTUALLY want?
What about life really frustrates you right now?
If you had a magic wand, what 3-5 things would you change in your trading right now?
What are currently the 3-5 biggest challenges you have in trading?
Do you have long-term, “someday” plans with the trading business? If so what are they?
What would be your dream scenario a year from now?